Monday, July 25, 2005

Casting the Net collaborative space

EdNA Groups is hosting a Learnscope "Casting the Net" project in a collaborative space on "audio lessons, MP3 players, audioblogging and podcasting in education".
The focus is on "creation of audio materials" eg podcasting and audioblogging for learners with "low levels of literacy and with auditory learning styles".
Lots of useful resources and tools to provide opportunities for educators to share understandings.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

GoogleMaps API

Exploring things geospatial and, thanks to the power of social bookmarking viz. my fabulous bookmarking tool, exploring the powers of the GoogleMaps API.

ZdNet commented on the value of open source power in an article, "Google map API transforms the Web." One example is the combination of GoogleMaps satellite imagery, RSS feeds from the BBC news, images and tagging to produce an uptodate, visual account of the London Terrorist Bomb attacks on geepster.
"Google Maps enabled open source journalism to get the story faster, and get it better, than the mainstream media."
Combination of using the javascript API, satellite imagery, RSS feeds, tags to develop a resource which is visual (multiliteracies), interactive, updated and engaging.

Potential for ICT integration in curriculum. Investigation of contemporary environmental, social, political, health and other issues and using Web 2.0 tools for collaboration, reflection, publishing.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Live 8 blogging and Technorati

Who could miss "Live 8" on the web, TV, radio and other media? I have been following the posts on Technorati (currently 11,060 current posts). An amazing world response to a global crisis and Make Poverty History campaign to influence G8 leaders.
Technorati is promoting world bloggers to participate and add to global voices to make a difference to world poverty through "debt relief, aid and trade justice for Africa."

This statement, from a link on Technorati, on Thinking without a box blog - "Live 8 where were you" refers to the one powerful message we hope to get across.
"But they'll only do it if enough people tell them to. That's why we're staging LIVE 8.
...... 10 concerts, 100 artists, a million spectators, 2 billion viewers, and 1 message ... To get those 8 men, in that 1 room, to stop 30,000 children dying every single day of extreme poverty."
Add your voice and make a difference!